Desexing your kitten
Desexing is generally recommended at around 6 months of age. Not only does it prevent unwanted litters, but it reduces the risk of certain diseases and cancers, such as prostate and mammary gland tumours and pyometra (an infection of the uterus).
Desexing your kitten before he or she reaches sexual maturity (from 4 to 6 months of age) will prevent unwanted pregnancies as well as reduce roaming behaviour and territorial marking. Not only that, but female cats who are desexed before their second heat have a significantly reduced risk of mammary cancer and uterine infection.
It's important to talk to your vet when considering the time of desexing to weigh up the various pros and cons.
Some breeders even require you to desex your kitten as a condition of sale, or insist you let them know if you plan to breed your cat. If you do plan to breed your cat, there is a lot to consider and we recommend booking an appointment with one of our expert vets to discuss the steps.

We're here to help
If you have any questions about anything regarding your kitten, get in touch with us today, or bring them in for a check-up (we love meeting new kitties!)